Tuesday 19 May 2015

Shopping Headaches!

in the process of upgrading my apartment/ my car and my dog - i'm wondering at what point does the joy of shopping get replaced by the massive headache of winning all the multiple battles that the process entails?

first off, is the question, do i need this? then, what sort should i get? maybe i should speak to other people to get an idea - which resets us to convincing them about whether we indeed need this/what sort/can afford this. then you start looking for options, then you meet salesmen and ensure that they are not cheating you, then you negotiate (Repeat/Repeat/Repeat!); then you speak to your own people, who were not listening to you in the first round and get you to convince them all over again. then maybe you buy what you wanted, then, you pay for it for the rest of your life!

so, at what point does the joy of shopping get replaced by the massive headache of winning all the multiple battles that the process entails? way too soon, i'd say, waaaay too soon!!

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