Wednesday 4 February 2015

The Very Beginning

While it is a really good rule to start at the beginning, go thru the middle and end at the very end, it can be quite impossible sometimes. In the case of this blog, I am not very certain where it all started - was it with my discovery of design*sponge and apartment therapy; or later, on getting an apartment or the fact that even after apartment therapy and getting the apartment - it has been nearly 6 years before I have been able to do anything about it.

And even now, when I have moved into the apartment, you'd think I'd photograph it before the furniture arrived and while I pondered over the furniture decisions - but I was too busy trying to limit eating out (and gaining ridiculous amounts of weight) and getting the internet connected (while the laptop is still completely dysfunctional!) to get anywhere with this blog.

So, let's just start in the middle, where I possibly can. Let us start with the kitchen, because that is on my mind today.

Some file pictures of the kitchen, over the years:

And then a little bit on what I think could be done:

Black Bench-top:

White Cabinets:

(with black handles, they do give a nicer touch than just steel, don't they?)

Open shelving:

Quite like the sink in the second picture!

Better Pantry storage:

Wooden (Bamboo) Flooring:
 Not entirely sure what kind of colour would I be going for, but here are some shades just to keep dreaming for now:

Better lighting:

(From here)

I'm also considering changing the placement of the fridge but that's for another post with the floor plans.