Monday 20 July 2015


There are 3 kinds of progress that we can see in nature:

like a breeze blowing away the smoke that surrounds a fire
like cleaning a mirror
like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly inside a cacoon (or a baby inside a mother's womb)

The first one is where the smallest of efforts show such instant results; the second where it seems like the effort and outcomes are rather proportional; and the third, where for the longest time, nothing seems to be happening, and yet all your energy is getting used up - but slowly and surely things are changing in a dramatic way.  

Since the apartment is nothing like the first, and perhaps not even the second - I'd like to think that it is, at least, the third. (In fact, since my life seems nothing like the first or the second, I'd like to think it is, at least, the third! Sigh!)

The point of this update, really is, that there are no updates - money spent, energy spent and nothing much to show for it yet, at least not in terms of enjoying the space I am in. In fact, in lots of ways, it feels worse!

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