Sunday 26 April 2015

Upstairs, downstairs OR where's the strongman?

Among the most unexpected challenges that the current apartment imposes are the narrow doors, the flight of stairs and then, rather whimsically, another flight of stairs within the apartment. I get the wonderful European problems without the great European location or history! That these challenges are unexpected is rather disconcerting to me. I am able to comfortably overcome that that feeling every time I see the sun shining thru one of the windows - "Okay, I make mistakes but I can't be all wrong!", I tell myself.

Currently, I am deciding to get stuff ready for the bathroom renovation that hopefully will be undertaken around September August, let's try and be positive. I would like to not spend a huge amounts of money there! So, I decided if I am going to get a bath, let me get it second-hand. I found a rather quaint claw foot cast iron bath tub on gumtree, and now I need to bring it upstairs - I need strongmen! Where does one find strongmen?

In the meantime, consider these (as I leave the decision to even have the bath or just a larger shower area in the bathroom to my wonderful renovation guy, CB!):

Update: The renovation guy has spoken - the bath will have to go - that it is a cast iron bath only makes matters worse for him (and was one reason why I loved it!)

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